I've made it to 24 weeks now. I had an ultrasound this morning and besides a little extra weight gain, everything looks good. No change in the placenta, and baby's growth is right on track. He has super long fingers. Wonder if he'll have my hands? Or a masculine version, that is.
It's amazing how tired I get but I'm still hanging in there. I have good days and hard days, but isn't that true anyway?
I've been thinking a lot about the challenges of being a good mother and wanting a career. Being "only a Mom" isn't very valued by many and the expectation to be both super Mom and super career woman is a hard one to live up to. My career is very important to me as are my kids. It's hard not to feel like your life is on hold in these pregnant and early baby years. Career is such a huge part of definition of self - the ego especially thinks so. I keep trying to think of it from what my perspective might be as an eighty year old. Something tells me family and children and grand children will be much more important than any career accomplishments (those will be important, too, but family connections will trump them).
I've been sitting and knitting and crocheting a lot. We got a new lap top so I have to figure out getting the camera hooked up to it. Once I do that, I'll post about those kinds of happenings, too. Pictures have been missing too much from this blog.