My birthday was Monday this week. I had a lovely celebration with friends the day before. Another friend had her birthday on Sunday so it was a co-celebration. Then by Sunday night my stomach didn't feel well. So I got a stomach bug for my birthday, yay! Except for that, I had a pretty good birthday. I talked on the phone with family and received some well wishes. And I managed to eat a few bites of birthday dinner. I'm thinking of having a secondary birthday celebration on one of my quarter birthdays or on my half birthday. Since we have moved here, my birthday has been during a stressful time of year, especially for my husband, and one or more of us have been sick on my birthday. That's just no fun! June 1 is usually relatively stress free. Hmmmmm... Something to think about.
This morning I was able to eat some breakfast so I think I might be on the mend, fingers crossed and knock on wood.
The technology fast seems to be going well. I have to admit to cheating a tiny bit a few times, but overall I've been good. It's amazing how many times a day I would go on-line and just putz around. The most remarkable difference has been for the kids. The boys are playing outside way more and reading books we gave them for Christmas two years ago. The girls struggle with only one movie a day and I've caved a couple times when one of them or I was feeling sick. Even one movie a day seems like a lot in my head but when Gemma asks for a movie every five minutes, it's a good compromise.
I think the Schwarzbein diet is working and I'm easing out of what she calls the transition. The nice thing is that I don't crave sugar like I used to. I'm also shrinking and fit into jeans I was wearing last fall. I passed up the spiced jelly beans, cadbury cream eggs, and cadbury mini-eggs at the grocery store. While I feel sad about missing out on that holiday yummyness, it is so not worth it in the end. I wonder if alcoholics feel that way about holidays like New Years and stuff. I'll have to find some sugar free holiday traditions that will at least partially fill that hole. It is hard not to want those holiday sweets.